Wednesday 31 October 2012

Day 305 , 31st October .. happy halloween , here is the jelly beads

Day 305 , 31st October .. happy halloween , here is the  jelly  beads  that  were  soaking  in  a big  bowl of  water  for  over  8 hours  they  have soaked  up the  water and  are now  so much  bigger than the  tiny  little  beads they  once  were, these  were in  large  bowls  and in amongst these  water  beads  were  glow sticks ....  nice  effect for  halloween

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Monday 29 October 2012

Day 303, 29th October drips again

Day  303, 29th October  drips  again .. its  funny  how  a drip  can be  so frustrating... but i  will not  give  up  chasing the  perfect  drop

Sunday 28 October 2012

Day 302, 28th October a water fountain

Day 302, 28th October a water fountain at the hyperdome taken with the hand bag camera, had a nice lunch and movie ♥

Saturday 27 October 2012

Day 301, 27th October water under the bridge ..

Day  301, 27th October  water  under the  bridge ..was on  my  way  to  Jacobs  Well ... it  started to  rain here i  am  in  Beenleigh...not  what  was planned but  ..

Friday 26 October 2012

Day 300, 26th October sunset on the lagoon

Day 300, 26th October , the sun setting over the lagoon .. golden pinks from all the bush fires

Thursday 25 October 2012

Day 299, 25th October .. droplets on a cd

Day  299, 25th October  ..  droplets on  a cd,  with  some  pretty  colours  in the  reflections

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Day 298, 24th October rough ocean water

Day  298, 24th October    rough  ocean water ,  crazy  waves ,  windy ...wild  coastal  weather

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Day 297, 23rd October water drops on a sheet of glass

Day  297, 23rd October   water  drops  on a sheet of   glass,  in the  drops are minature  pics of the  wrapping  paper  that is underneath  :)

Sunday 21 October 2012

Day 295, 21st October , fun on the water

Day 295,  21st October , fun  on the  water,  took  some  shots  at the  ski park  fun  on  and  in the  water

Saturday 20 October 2012

Friday 19 October 2012

Thursday 18 October 2012

Day 292, 18th October , Brisbane River

Day 292, 18th October , beautiful day in Brisbane,  The  Story  Bridge  over the Brisbane River

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Day 290, 16th October , the ducks and ibis

Day  290, 16th October  ,  the  ducks  and  ibis on the  water  at the  park

Monday 15 October 2012

Sunday 14 October 2012

Day 288, 14th October low tide at the bay

Day  288, 14th October   low tide  at  the bay,  lots  of  rocks ,  lots  of  sand ,  lots of  little  crabs  scurrying  to  the  water or to  hide under  rocks 

Saturday 13 October 2012

Friday 12 October 2012

Day 286, 12th October, the waterfall / cascade

Day 286, 12th October,  the  waterfall  cascades,  over the mound of  rocks and  swirls  into the  pool of water,  under  bridges, around  gardens

Thursday 11 October 2012

Day 285, 11th October the pot of boiling water

Day 285, 11th October   the pot of  boiling  water bubbles away,  waiting the vegs  to be put in

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Day 283, 9th October the gold coast perfect beaches

Day  283,  9th October   the  gold  coast   perfect  beaches,  beautiful   shades  of  aqua  to  deep  blues  in the ocean  today

Monday 8 October 2012

Day 282, 8th October a glass of cold water

Day 282, 8th October   a  glass of  cold  water ,  filling the glass ,  ready to  drink  icy cold  water

Sunday 7 October 2012

Day 281 , 7th October reflections on the lagoon at night

Day  281 , 7th October  reflections  on the  lagoon at  night,  the  park is  now  empty , night has  fallen .. the still  water reflects the  ligths  from the  shops

Saturday 6 October 2012

Day 280, 6th October a beautiful day to be near the water

Day  280, 6th October    a beautiful  day  to  be near the  water , an  afternoon drive  to  Manly,  fresh  air and  sea  water..

Friday 5 October 2012

Day 279, 5th October water drops on the spiders web

Day 279,  5th October   water drops on the  spiders  web,  glistening  in the  sun light

Thursday 4 October 2012

Day 278 4th October the water levels at the lagoon

Day 278, 4th October  the  water  levels at the  lagoon have  dropped  so  much ,  we  really  could  do  with  rain ,  here are 4 of the  cygnets ,  nearly  fully  grown  now

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Day 277, 3rd October drip goes the drop

Day  277,  3rd  October   drip  goes the drop,  not  a big  splash ,  its  fun  taking  water  shots, just little  bit  messy

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Day 276 2nd October strawberry in soda water

Day  276,  2nd  October  strawberry in  soda  water,  i  love  how  the  bubbles  stick  to  the fruit,  and  others pop  at the  surface

Monday 1 October 2012

Day 275, 1st October , another month to begin

Day  275,  1st  October ,  another  month  to  begin ,this  was taken on  a  cold  miserable  day   at  Cleveland,  low tide ,  grey   sky ,  drizzling  rain. ( the  month  of  water )