Friday 31 August 2012

Day 244, 31st August the last animal for the month is a bunny

Day 244, 31st August the last animal for the month is a bunny ...well i think its a hare hopped in front of my car .i managed to stop and get a pic of him. another complete month done

Thursday 30 August 2012

Day 243, 30th August ducks feeding frenzy

Day 243, 30th August     ducks feeding  frenzy, a late  afternoon  visit ito the lagoon  ... a few  slices of  bread  and all of a sudden there is  a duck  feeding  frenzy

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Day 242, 29th August the bat colony

Day  242,  29th August     the bat colony of  Beenleigh,  noisy   and  active  even in the  day  ..  at  dusk  the  sky is  full  of them  as  they  leave  their  trees  in  hunt  for  food

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Day 241, 28th August the dog was keeping the area free

Day  241, 28th  August   the dog  was  keeping the  area  free  from   seagulls up and  down  he  ran  into  the water .. he  was not  going to  let 1 gull land .

Monday 27 August 2012

Day 240, 27th August a green tree python,

Day 240, 27th August a green tree python, yes its yellow ...its a baby , it wil turn green as it ages. How beautiful is it? found in nth Queensland

Sunday 26 August 2012

Day 239, 26th August bearded water dragon

Day 239, 26th August bearded water dragon ...just laying in a pot sunning himself

Saturday 25 August 2012

Day 238, 25th August 2 little bilbies

Day  238, 25th  August   2 little  bilbies are in their  underground burro,  1  is  trying to  sleep  the  other is  in  and  out ...they  are  so  very  fast

Friday 24 August 2012

Day 237, 24th August a butterfly

Day 237, 24th August    a butterfly,  with pretty brown and white spotted wings .. black and white spotted body

Thursday 23 August 2012

Day 236, 23rd August the egret at the lagoon

Day 236, 23rd August  the  egret  at the  lagoon,  likes  to  keep to  itself,  and away  from people

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Day 234, 21st August blue claw cray fish

Day 234, 21st August   blue  claw  cray  fish,   he  sure is  a feisty  one ...keep  those  nippers  to  yourself

Monday 20 August 2012

Day 233, 20th August sleepy koala

Day 233,  20th August    sleepy  koala ,  he  would  open  his  eyes  look  around  have a scratch  and  go  back  to  sleep

Sunday 19 August 2012

Day 232, 19th August a wallaby in the bush

Day  232, 19th August   a wallaby in the  bush ,  had  6  hopping  around  us this  morning at Daisy  Hill  Koala park .

Saturday 18 August 2012

Day 231, 18th August emus at the emu farm

Day 231, 18th August emus at the emu farm at Marburg, there were so many, but never got to go in as the farm was closed to the public today

Friday 17 August 2012

Day 230, 17th August this is my fish , his name is Red

Day  230, 17th August    this is my  fish , his name is Red,  he is a red  devil  tropical  fish.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Day 229, 16th August the colourful stink bug

Day  229,  16th  August     the  colourful  stink  bug munching  away on the  leaf

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Day 228, 15th August pelican island

Day  228,  15th August    Pelican  Island ,  8  preening  pelicans

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Day 227, 14th August the carpet python

Day  227, 14th August      the  carpet  python Conda,  out and  about  enjoying the  warmer days

Monday 13 August 2012

Day 226, 13th August goats in a paddock

Day  226,  13th August    goats in a paddock ,  all  different sizes , all different colours

Sunday 12 August 2012

Day 225, 12th August alpaca mum and baby

Day  225,  12th  August   alpaca mum and  baby,  called  into the  alpaca  farm and  shop on the  way to  O'Reilly's  mountain , Lamington  NP

Saturday 11 August 2012

Day 224, 11th August the horses at the Ekka

Day  224, 11th August    the  horses at the  Ekka,   dressages ,  jumping , and showing ,  perfect day 

Friday 10 August 2012

Day 223, 10th August a beautiful horse

Day 223, 10th August   a  beautiful   horse,  enjoying the  sunshine  ,  no  blankets  on him  today ,  even  though the  wind is  very cold

Thursday 9 August 2012

Day 222, 9th August the butcher bird

Day 222,  9th August  the  butcher bird  that  my  mum  feeds  every  day .. the  cheeky  thing  actually  knocks on the  glass door  to  let  her know  he is there and waiting

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Day 221, 8th August , something out of the ordinary

Day 221, 8th August , something out of the ordinary .... deers, but they seem to be rather shy , as the car stopped they took off .. deer can run fast

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Day 220, 7th August a pug dog

Day  220,  7th  August    a  pug  dog , this is  my  daughters  new  puppy ,  his  name is  Chunk

Monday 6 August 2012

Day 219, 6th August old mc donald had a sheep

Day  219,  6th August   old  mc  donald  had a sheep on  his  farm  as  well as  ducks and  geese

Sunday 5 August 2012

Day 218, 5th August is this my good side

Day  218,  5th  August    is  this  my  good  side?    no 2nd  chins ? ...pucker  up 

Saturday 4 August 2012

Day 217, 4th August... Not just a duck

Day  217, 4th  August... Not  just  a duck... its a  duck and a turtle ...  Gladstone  Qld  duck park

Friday 3 August 2012

Day 216, 3rd August ... just a duck

Day 216, 3rd August ...just a duck ...long road, lots of stops but mostly for road works ,....but found a nice park ... here is the duck

Thursday 2 August 2012

Day 215, 2n August A small jumping spider

Day 215,  2n August    A  small  jumping  spider  ...look  at  those  eyes ...  ewwww

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Day 214, 1st August , Happy Birthday to all the horses

Day 214, 1st August , Happy Birthday to all the horses. This little pony is all rugged up in his winter coat