Friday 29 June 2012

Day 182 . 30th June cold foggy start

Day  182 . 30th June   cold  foggy  start ,  as the  fog  lifted it  it was a beautiful day ,  clear  sky and  slight breeze

Day 181, 29th June the sun shone forn most of the day

Day 181,  29th June     the sun  shone  for  most of the day,  beautful  winters day

Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 180, 28th June rain, sunshine, rain, sun,

Day  180,   28th June      rain,  sunshine, rain,  sun,  on  it  went  all  day  long ..  a cold  winters  day

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 179, 27th June rain drops on the rose

Day  179,  27th June        rain drops  on the rose bud, a cold,  wet,  miserable day  but  the beauty  of a rose  bud  and  reflections in  some  drops 

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Day 178, 26th June cold, grey and rain, made for a winters day

Day  178,  26th  June    cold,  grey  and  rain,  made  for a winters  day,  thank you  to  my  beautiful  friends  for a wonderful  time  today 

Monday 25 June 2012

Day 177, 25th June cold cloudy windy and rain

Day  177,  25th  June     cold  cloudy  windy and  rain..sure  felt  like  a winters  day  today

Sunday 24 June 2012

Day 176, 24th June grey sky , grey city

Day  176, 24th June      grey  sky , grey  city,  cold  old  winters  day  today 

Saturday 23 June 2012

Day 175, 23rd June grey cold windy and a little rain

Day  175, 23rd June       grey  cold  windy  and  a little rain ...bleak  winters  day 

Friday 22 June 2012

Day 174 , 22nd June beautiful winters morning,

Day  174 ,  22nd June   beautiful  morning, then  clouds started to  fill the  sky  then clear  afternoon ...  beaut  winters  day

Thursday 21 June 2012

Day 173, 21st June Today is Australia's Winter solstice

Day  173, 21st  June      Today is Australia's Winter solstice, the  shortest day  of the  year,  so  cold and  foggy  this  morning, clearing  to another beautiful  winters day  ...and yep  another  cold  night

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 172, 20th June beautiful winters day

Day  172,  20th  June     beautiful  winters day, today  had  clouds  ,  big  white  fluffy clouds, but i knew i was not  going to be  able to  get a sun set , so  here is the  blue sky,  fluffy  clouds, and  open  space

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Day 171, 19th June another perfect winters day

Day  171,  19th June      another  perfect winters day,  with  a beautiful   sunset  over the farm  land

Monday 18 June 2012

Day 170 , 18th June a beautiful winters day

Day  170 ,  18th June     a beautiful  winters day   perfect in the  sunlight ,  a bit cold  early  on  in the morning  and  evening

Sunday 17 June 2012

Day 169, 17th June Berrinba Wetlands late this arfternoon

Day 169, 17th June    Berrinba Wetlands late  this  arfternoon the  cloudless  sky  and  still  water  made  for  a  clear  reflection

Saturday 16 June 2012

Day 168, 16th June the clouds rolled in

Day 168, 16th June         the clouds rolled in at just the right moment ...the sun had gone down and then the sky turned this beautiful red and gold .

Friday 15 June 2012

Day 167, 15th June not a cloud in the sky today

Day  167, 15th  June        not  a cloud in the sky today  which made  for a plain  sunset over the  lagoon this evening ...pretty  colours  but  very  plain

Thursday 14 June 2012

Day 166, 14th June blue sky , white fluffy clouds

Day  166,  14th June     blue  sky,  white  fluffy  clouds on  a beautiful winters  day  on the  Gold  Coast

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Day 165, 13th June blue sky .. then clouds and more clouds

Day  165,  13th June     blue  sky ..  then  clouds and  more  clouds  and  even  more , then  gone  ..  blue sky  and   no  rain  , but  still  rather cold

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Day 164, 12th June the clouds are going , rain is still about

Day  164, 12th June     the  clouds are  going  ,  rain is still about, but a pretty  sun  set  tonight

Monday 11 June 2012

Day 163, 11th June cold and wet winters day

Day 163, 11th June     cold and  wet winters day ,  low  level  cloud over the  area

Sunday 10 June 2012

Day 162, 10th June the storm over the river

Day 162, 10th June         the  storm over the  river  at  Tweed Heads

Saturday 9 June 2012

Day 161, 9th June windy afternoon

Day  161, 9th  June        windy  afternoon  at  Shornecliffe  this is a long  exposure  at  dusk

Friday 8 June 2012

Day 160, 8th June the storm clouds roll in

Day 160, 8th June          the storm clouds roll in and roll out with out a drop of rain ..

Thursday 7 June 2012

Day 159, 7th June a beautiful sunset at the lagoon

Day 159, 7th June a beautiful sunset at the lagoon, bit of a mixed bag , cold , windy , sunny , looked like rain .. but ended looking like this

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Day 158, 6th June a beautiful sunny , crisp day

Day  158,  9th June     a  beautiful  sunny, crisp  day   perfect  for a walk in the park

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 157, 5th June it was so cold and windy

Day  157, 5th  June    it was  so  cold and  windy today the  lagoon most of the  ducks  were out of the  choppy   water

Monday 4 June 2012

Day 156, 4th June blue sky

Day  156,  4th  June       blue  sky,  big  fluffy  white  clouds  , beautiful  green  country side

Sunday 3 June 2012

Day 155, 3rd June the rains clearing

Day  155,  3rd  June    the  rains  clearing , yep  little  bits of  blue  sky ..maybe  all blue  tomorrow

Saturday 2 June 2012

Day 154, 2nd June storm clouds

Day 154,  2nd June     storm clouds  low  and  slow  moving  ..lots of rain

Friday 1 June 2012