Monday 31 December 2012

Day 366, 31st December I did it ... 366 days straight

Day  366,  31st December    I did it  ... 366 days straight  , last   photo  of the  year,  Wishing  every one  A safe  ,  healthy ,  fun , New Year !!!!bring  on 2013!!!!

Sunday 30 December 2012

Day 365, 30th December .. cracker jack

Day 365,  30th December  ..  cracker  jack  of a  year ....  the  last  bit  of  Christmas , went with  a bang,  with the  bon  bon ,  hat ,  joke and  toy

Saturday 29 December 2012

Day 364, 29th December Men at Work ......

Day  364,  29th December Men  at  Work ......looks  like the Christmas  rush  is  over,  its  updating  Face Book  time  now ....not a care in  the  world  did  these  2 have

Friday 28 December 2012

Day 363, 28th December the reindeer are resting at Alma Park Zoo

Day 363, 28th December  the  reindeer  are  resting  at Alma  Park Zoo,  ready  for the  next  big adventure on  Christmas  eve  2013

Thursday 27 December 2012

Day 362, 27th December BBQ for dinner

Day  362, 27th December   BBQ for  dinner, over the  cold  meats  .. at  least  for tonight  :)

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Day 361, 26th December , Christmas is all about the family

Day  361,  26th December ,  Christmas is all  about the  family, the  future ...  big  steps  for  baby  feet.  Isaac, December  2012

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Day 360 , 25th December wonderful Christmas day , spent with family , and received some fantastic pressies

Day  360 ,  25th December  wonderful Christmas day ,  spent  with  family ,  and  received  some  fantastic  pressies,  a   new  Manfrotto  tripod,  a new  lens  ( 150-500mm ) some  perfumes,  an external  hd, and photography mags, new monitor, and  a pair  of  ear rings woooooo hoooooo ,  thank you  Santas ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday 24 December 2012

Day 359, 24th December last minute finishing touches

Day  359, 24th December  last minute  finishing  touches ,  Bon bons to  share some Christmas  day  fun  ♥ Merry  Christmas  Everyone  ♥

Sunday 23 December 2012

Day 358, 23rd December Christmas tree decorations

Day  358, 23rd December   Christmas  tree decorations , bokeh  effect from  lights hanging on the  curtains

Saturday 22 December 2012

Day 357, 22nd December , bowls of walnuts

Day 357, 22nd December , bowls of  walnuts ready  with  nut crackers..bring  on  Christmas ♥

Friday 21 December 2012

Day 356, 21st December the Christmas dog

Day  356, 21st December  the  Christmas  dog...he is a rapper .. his  eas move  his  head  bopps  to  his  singing .. silly  ..yes .. but also  very  cute

Thursday 20 December 2012

Day 355, 20th December some decorations on my tree

Day  355,  20th December  some decorations  on  my  tree,  glittery   stars ,  red  twirls and  gold  baubles

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Day 354, 19th December Santa and some decorations

Day  354,  19th December  Santa  and  some decorations,  Ive  had this  santa  for so many  years ..must be  close to   20 years  now

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Day 353, 18th June two more of my Christmas decorations

Day  353,  18th June  two  more of   my Christmas  decorations ,  a wind up  musical  choir and snow  dome , and  a  light up  house

Monday 17 December 2012

Day 352, 17th December the gingerbread house

Day  352, 17th December  the  gingerbread  house  ,  no i didnt  make or decorate  this ..its from the supermarket ,  but isnt it  cute?

Sunday 16 December 2012

Day 351, 16th December , another day closer to Santa coming

Day 351, 16th December ,  another day  closer to  Santa coming ,   another day  closer to the end of the year,

Saturday 15 December 2012

Day 350 , 15th December , will the real Santa stand up

Day  350 , 15th  December  went  out  shooting  Christmas  lights ,  but  thougth id  use this  photo instead ..the whole  garage is full of Santa  toys ..  sitting , singing, dancing, reading,  ..every  Santa  imaginable

Friday 14 December 2012

Day 349, 14th December the Babushka Christmas set,

Day 349, 14th December  the  Babushka Christmas  set,  snowman,  gingerbread man , bear, reindeer,  and  Santa,  wooden  dolls  that  fit inside the bigger  1  finishing off all in Santa

Thursday 13 December 2012

Day 348, 13th December , one of the many many houses lit up

Day 348, 13th December ,  one of the  many  many  houses  lit  up  tonight, tomorrow  i  will go  back  ..but  a bit earlier, so  many  pretty  homes , so many  lights ,  beautiful  ... 

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Day 347, 12 December , Santa has a list

Day 347,  12 December ,  Santa has a list and he will check it  twice ,to  see  who  has  been  naughty  and  who  has been  nice    :)

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Day 346, 11th December , Christmas decorations, present, and lights

Day  346, 11th December ,  Christmas decorations, present, and  lights, the  month is  going  so  quick , all presents are  wrapped now,  all decorations are up.

Monday 10 December 2012

Day 345 , 10th December a small glass Christmas tree

Day  345 , 10th December a small  glass Christmas tree, that  was a gift ,  many  years  ago ♥

Sunday 9 December 2012

Day 344, 9th December , 1 of the houses in my area

Day  344,  9th December , 1 of the  houses  in  my   area   all  lit up , this  1 has a  huge  snow  dome with lots of  lights all  around the  house and  gate

Saturday 8 December 2012

Day 343, 8th December the Christmas tree in King George Square

Day  343, 8th December  the  Christmas  tree  in  King George Square Brisbane.  Grey  overcast  evening  the solar  lights  had  still  not  come on  by the  time we left. will try  and  get back there later of a  night next week

Friday 7 December 2012

Day 342, 7th December the nut cracker soldiers

Day 342, 7th December  the  nut cracker soldiers , stand in a line  ,  just another  set of  Christmas  decorations i have

Thursday 6 December 2012

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Day 340, 5th December , some Christmas

Day  340,  5th  December  ,  some  Christmas  decorations  ready  to  be  hung, or placed  around the  house

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Day 339, 4th December another Santa ornament

Day  339,  4th December    another  Santa ornament , with  Christmas  lights   bokeh (home  made )  this  Santa  sits on  a stack  of  boxes ,  his  legs dangle  over the   edge , he is only  about  8 cm  high

Monday 3 December 2012

Day 338, 3rd December , the saxaphone playing Santa

Day  338,  3rd December  , the  saxaphone  playing  Santa,  with some Christmas lights bokeh 

Sunday 2 December 2012

Day 337, 2nd December the tiny little Christmas tree

337, 2nd December  the  tiny  little  Christmas  tree ,  shines  so many  different colours ,  fibre  optics

Saturday 1 December 2012

Day 336, 1st December Christmas decorations

Day  336, 1st December     Christmas  decorations, the  tree  went up , the decorations  went on ,  the batteries  went into the  display toys ..  stockings  were  found ... Christmas  has  begun  :)

Friday 30 November 2012

Day 335, 30th November a fly

Day 335, 30th November a fly... yep summer time is upon us and they are every where ... I hate flies

Thursday 29 November 2012

Day 334 , 29th November , the spider

Day  334 , 29th November ,  the  spider was  busy  rebuilding  his web  ,  how  fast  he spun  that  web

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Day 333, 28th November the Frangipanis are slowly opening

Day  333, 28th November  the Frangipanis are slowly  opening,  and  so  are  all the  new  leaves .. this  was  taken  this  afternoon  in the  rain .. it was  nice  to  cool  down  after  such  a hot day

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Day 332, 27th November a small moth

Day 332,  27th November a small  moth  sitting  on a  tree branch ..not  in  any  hurry  to  move 

Monday 26 November 2012

Day 331, 26th November , the hydrangea

Day  331, 26th November ,  the hydrangea  flowers  hiding the  little  buds  underneath  the  petals ... this  1 will be  planted  tomorrow

Sunday 25 November 2012

Day 330, 25th November Mt Tamborine , nature fights back

Day  330, 25th November   Mt Tamborine , nature  fights  back,  after the  fires,  the  green  grass  and  ferns  stand  out amongst the  blackened  dead  stumps

Saturday 24 November 2012

Day 329, 24th November , water dragon

Day 329, 24th November  a  quick  stop over  at the  park  this  morning,  found  the  water dragon ....  just  watching  the  ducks 

Friday 23 November 2012

Day 328 , 23rd November baby lemons

Day  328 ,  23rd November   baby  lemons ,  natures a wonderful  thing , to  have  big  juicy  lemons  from such  a sweet  little flower

Thursday 22 November 2012

Day 327, 22nd November the dancing lady orchids

Day  327, 22nd November the  dancing lady  orchids   a complete come back  from the  storms  last week ,  most  are  all  open and  standing up again,

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Day 326, 21st November the moon

Day  326,  21st November  i  did  have another  pic  all  ready  for todays  365 day  challenge  ,  but  looked out saw  this .. i  love the moon 

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Day 325, 20th November the moon

Day 325, 20th November the moon is  beautiful  even  in the  middle of the day, 

Monday 19 November 2012

Day 324, 19th November , 2 rosellas eating the seeds

Day  324,  19th November  after the  rains  a  dish full of  seeds is  what  these  two  found, and  seem  to be  enjoying

Sunday 18 November 2012

Day 323, 18th November clear to the right

Day  323,  18th November  clear to  the  right ,  yet  there is  storms with   rolling  clouds and lots of thunder to  the left ,  natures  wonderful  colours

Saturday 17 November 2012

Day 322, 17th November storms , thunder , lightning

Day  322,  17th November    storms ,  thunder  ,  lightning, lots  of  sheet  lightning  but  when  the bolts  came  down  they  were spectacular ,  this  is  from  my  back  yard

Friday 16 November 2012

Day 321, 16th November late afternoon at the billabong

Day  321, 16th November  late afternoon  at the  billabong ,  Berinba wetlands , the pelicans ,  ibis ,  ducks ..  all share the island  fro  preening 

Thursday 15 November 2012

Day 320, 15th November nature growing back

Day 320, 15th November  nature  growing  back  after the  bush  fires  swept  through  this  area  a few  weeks ago 

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Day 319, 14th November , partial solar eclipse

Day 319, 14th November  the beauty of  nature at  work  this morning,  a partial  solar  eclipse.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Day 318, 13th November , this is a blood lily

Day  318, 13th November , this is  a blood  lily  fully  grown  and  open , the  bright  red  stars  with  yellow  tips ,  that for a round  ball shape  flower

Monday 12 November 2012

Day 317, 12th November , new orchid plant

Day  317,  12th November  ,  a  beautiful  new  orchid  plant  that was  given to me today  ♥